Saturday, January 26, 2008

Former Downtown Church of Glendale

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello James,
You have been very busy shooting and posting. I think your style of photography might be called New Urban Topographic - let's ask Brendan. You observe what is going on around you and then document what there is to see. The centered view of the abandoned, boarded-up church is very interesting. The empty bench, the trees without leaves, the bare cement in the foreground, other buildings visible in the distance all reinforce the theme of abandonment. The arrow on the sign seems to point the way for the viewer to also abandon the building. The strong vertical lines of the building and fence posts give a feeling of stability and strength to the image, but this is not enough to overcome the sense of sadness, loneliness and abandonment. Perhaps there is a metaphor here for the abandonment of religion that seems be taking place in America today.
Good job James!